The McGill Exchange Request form is to be completed by students who are applying for Exchange to one of McGill's bilateral partner institutions for a specified period of time.

The McGill Student Away Request form is to be completed by students applying for approval to study at another institution for a specified period of time. Each form is comprised of separate sections as follows:

NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, information and instructions are the same for Exchange and Study Away applications.

Personal Information Verification

For Exchange requests: Students should review their personal information, which includes their address and phone number, and program (curriculum) information. Any changes to the address or phone number should be made in the Personal Menu in Minerva. The information displayed in this section of the form will be provided to the Host Institution.

For Study Away requests: Students should review their personal information, which includes their address and phone number, and program (curriculum) information. Any changes to the address or phone number should be made in the Personal Menu in Minerva. For detailed information about the Study Away program in your faculty refer to your faculty’s Student Affairs Office website.

Required Information

Start by selecting the Host Institution(s) and Terms you would like to start your Exchange or Study Away program. For Exchange, you can select up to 4 Host Institutions. For Study Away, you may select one institution per Study Away Request, you may submit up to three Study Away Requests.

Next, complete all required fields in the form (denoted by ). Below are field definitions, also available by selecting the corresponding on the form.

Institution Type (Exchange requests only)

Choose "ALL" to display a list of countries available to all students for Exchange programs
Choose "Degree Specific" to display a list of countries open only to your degree.

For the 1st choice institution, the term that the student would like to begin.

The Country that the Host Institution resides.

Host Institution (1st Choice)
The first choice of institution that the student would like to attend.
For Study Away requests only: If the institution that you would like to apply to is not included in the drop down menu you must contact your Student Affairs Office to request approval for this institution to be considered for study away and provide them with the appropriate documentation.

Term, Country, Host Institution, 2nd, 3rd, 4th choice (Exchange requests only)
For each of the student's remaining choices: the Term, Country, and Host Institution that the student candidate would like to attend: you must select an Institution Type for each choice.

The maximum number of choices is 4 for an Exchange request.

Do you have any special requirements of which the Host Institution should be made aware of? (Exchange requests only)
Indicate "Yes" if you have requirements that the Host Institution must be made aware of, such as wheelchair accessibility needs; specify what those needs are in the text box provided. If you do not have special requirements, leave blank and proceed to the next field.

After my Exchange / Study Away I expect to:
Indicate "Return to McGill" if upon return to McGill you will have course requirements to complete for your degree. Indicate “Graduate”, if upon your return to McGill you will not have any course requirements to complete for your degree.

Expected Term of Graduation
Term at the end of which all courses will be completed.

Total number of program credits completed
The Total Credits indicated in the last term on the Advising Transcript (accessible by clicking the provided link).

Total number of Transfer Credits / Advanced Standing received
Advanced Standing & Transfer Credits indicated in the last term on the Advising Transcript (accessible by clicking the provided link in previous field).

Total number of program credits in progress
The calculated total number of credits that are currently being pursued (i.e. currently registered courses for which no grades have been assigned).

Note: This number must include all terms up to the term of application.

Language proficiency requirement (For Exchange requests only)
McGill no longer requires this form. You will need to provide proof of language proficiency directly to the host institution, if you plan to study in a language other than English.

Statement of Purpose

Exchange Requests: all students are required to submit a statement of purpose for each institution that they are applying to, in the text area provided.
Study Away Requests: all U3 students are required to submit a statement of purpose. All other students must consult their Student Affairs Office policies to determine if the statement is required or not.

This text area allows 4000 characters (about one page single spaced). We recommend that the statement of purpose be written before hand in a separate text editor (e.g. MS Word) to track the length of the essay, and to avoid being timed out and potentially losing work. The statement of purpose should include:

If you are applying to multiple institutions you will need to submit a separate statement of purpose for each institution. See the screenshot below for the format to use when submitting multiple Statement of Purpose essays in the text area. (Exchange Requests only)

Proposed Course List (for Exchange requests only)

You are required to provide a list of courses that you would like to register for at the Host Institution. This list of courses will serve as a guide to the Host Institution to evaluate your application for participation. Registration is subject to the availability of places in the courses and the approval of the advisor at the Host institution. It is strongly recommended that students list a minimum of eight (8) courses for each semester at the Host Institution.

If you are applying to multiple institutions you must complete a list for each institution, for each term. The screenshot below displays the format to use when submitting multiple course lists in the text area.

You must meet with your program advisor to approve your list of courses after your application has been approved and you have been nominated to the Host Institution.

Mobility Award (Exchange Requests Only)

Please note that the process for mobility funding has changed and a separate application is now required. For information, please visit: Mobility Bursary for Exchanges.

For information on other awards and funding, check the Funding page.

Review your Application

Review the information submitted and verify the accuracy of the information provided.

If you need to correct any part of the application, click Edit Selection to return to the beginning, review each page, and edit accordingly.

If you are satisfied with all data, click Continue to proceed to the submission screen.


For Study Away requests: All applicants from the Faculties of Management and Education and Summer Term Away applicants for Arts and Science are required to complete the Course Approval and Transfer Credit Form (see link included) before your application for Study Away can be approved.